२०८१ फाल्गुन ५
February 17, 2025, Monday

Earthquake victims of Doti compelled to live in tents

Doti- An earthquake occurred at 2:12 pm on the 22nd of Kartik, with the Khaptad area in the far west as the epicenter. While 6 people died in Doti due to the 6.6 magnitude earthquake. 1,412 houses in the district were completely damaged.


The families whose houses were damaged are now staying in temporary shelters. Earthquake victims are forced to spend the night under tents provided by various associations/organizations. An earthquake victim said, “The tent has been put up.” We are living in a tent. Their house was damaged by the earthquake.

They say stay outside.”I am crippled in eyes and legs. It’s not cold yet. In the cold, it snows in this place, Khaptad is the border. The victims of the earthquake have started falling ill with the onset of cold weather. Diseases such as pneumonia have been observed in children. The problems of various diseases have also started to appear in the elderly and chronic patients.

The earthquake victims living under tents have complained that it is difficult to spend the night due to snowfall and cold in the vicinity of Khaptad area. “It is difficult to live outside in this foggy weather,” said a local. Tents, blankets and various foods supplies have been supported for the earthquake victims.
But the technical study of the damage in the district has not been done yet. They said that only Red cross provided them with tents. They said, ‘There is no government for us.

Children are getting pneumonia. It will be more of a problem when it snows. A member of our family has also died. My wife may die too. We can’t stay outside,” said an old man, ‘He is confused because of the cold. Unable to live. I am an asthmatic.

The group of Earthquake Authority, has not yet reached the affected area in Doti

Although there is a problem for those living under tents, no initiative has been taken to solve the long-term problem. District Administration Office Doti administrative officer Deepa Joshi said that the disaster management group has not reached but the district administration is taking initiatives.

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